Friday, October 06, 2006

New York Times - "Evangelicals Fear the Loss of their Youth"

Today's New York Times ran a top-of-the-fold cover article on Ron Luce and Teen Mania Ministries, one of the premier youth ministries in America entitled, "Evangelicals Fear the Loss of their Youth." Every parent, grandparent, and friend of a teenager should read it. Clicking on the article name (above) will open it up in your browser. If you have never registered on the New York Times website before, you may have to go through that first, but it is free (you do NOT have to subscribe to the paper.)

1 comment:

Dennis Smith said...

thanks for pointing us toward the article - based on what I see in my community, I wouldn't think that Barna's "5%" number is a stretch; and that is alarming.

We are in a war for our children's hearts, are we not?
