Our Hillcrest Youth Group Needs Your Help...!
Friday, June 24, 2011
Dear Hillcrest Church Family,
This Sunday, I begin my new series of messages concerning the Ten Commandments entitled,"Foundation for Living." This is a great opportunity to invite someone new to our services and then bring them to our church picnic at 4:30pm at Campbell Green Park at Campbell and Hillcrest.
Our young people are planning a special trip next month to one of the premier youth conferences in America. They have worked hard raising money to cover their expenses, but need are still short of what they need for this trip.
When you receive this email, please take a moment to watch the video clip I have attached by clicking on the picture above or on the following weblink: http://vimeo.com/25574884.
I encourage you to bring an extra offering this Sunday toward this project...!
Teresa and I love you and thank God for the privilege of serving you. We believe the best is yet to come...!
Pastor Mark Brand