Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Dear Hillcrest Church Family,
Our Hillcrest Church Elders and Trustees have received, accepted, and unanimously authorized me to sign a contract for the sale of our church campus “as is” to a great, historic church in our Metroplex for $18 million cash with a rapid timetable for closing and full payment…!
In accordance with our Hillcrest Church Constitution and By-Laws and the terms of the contract, this letter serves as formal notice that our Hillcrest Church members will be voting on this matter two weeks from today on Wednesday, March 23rd at 7pm. Our Constitution and By-Laws require congregational approval by majority vote of our active members for any sale of property. Absentee ballots will be available upon request for all members who cannot be present to vote in person and who wish to vote in advance.
We will have a Hillcrest Church “Family Meeting” immediately following our 10:30am service this Sunday, March 13th, where we will present complete details concerning this transaction.
We will also have a Q&A time in our Performing Arts Center on Wednesday, March 16th at 7pm.
Our Hillcrest Church Elders and Trustees are unanimously recommending that the members of our congregation approve this sale.
Teresa and I love you and thank God for the privilege of serving you as God uses us all to build this “Antioch” Church.
The best is yet to come…!
Pastor Mark Brand